If you have a specific query or issue we can help with, please do not hesitate to visit our "Contact Us" page and get in touch. However, below we have responded to some of the more common questions that we receive, which may help answer your question.

How can I pay for my attendance as a delegate?

Advanced Conferences & Meetings organize and support leading and emerging markets in the region, bringing together frontrunners and decision makers. Visitors acquire in-depth knowledge of current and upcoming projects, and find out more about the latest market trends.

When do I need to pay my attendance fee by?

All payments must be received in advance of attending the conference.

Can I book or add to my attendance on-site?

Yes, our staff on-site will be pleased to register you to the conference and process payment or extend your original booking to our value added workshops, focus days, master-classes, site visits etc.

I want to book a group for attendance, can I get a discount?

If you have a large booking, we will be glad to discuss a special price for you. Just contact our delegate sales executive team, who can tailor a package to suit your needs.


Will meals and refreshments be included in the price of attendance?

Any refreshments, including lunches and coffee/networking breaks are included – please refer to your agenda for specific details. Any dinner or awards receptions running with the conference will be held on an invite only basis.

Will accommodation and/or travel be included in the price of attendance?

No, hotel accommodation and travel is not included and must be arranged and paid for by your organisation. If the conference is taking place at a 5 star hotel (as opposed to an exhibition centre), Advanced Conferences & Meetings will normally have secured a corporate accommodation rate. To take advantage of this discounted rate, please quote your attendance at our conference when making your booking. Please note, if the conference is running concurrently with one of our partner exhibitions, available rooms in surrounding hotels can become scarce, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Where can I find venue information?

The venue contact details will be listed on the Web site and on the brochure booking page. When you have registered as an attendee, you will also receive a map and location details.

I need a visa to attend, how should I get one?

If you require a visa, you should contact your hotel at the earliest convenience. Please note, if you are a non-GCC national, visas can take up to several weeks to process. Advanced Conferences & Meetings cannot accept any responsibility for visa process delays or refusals

What is the dress code at the conference?

Speakers, delegates and exhibitors usually attend in business or “business casual” attire.

What should I do if I have special requirements?

Please let us know at the point of registration if you have any special requirements such as disabilities or dietary restrictions that we can assist with to ensure you have a productive and enjoyable experience at our conference.

Our Key Sponsors

🚨 We have been made aware that a group of former ACM employees are attempting to replicate our events and mislead our partners and attendees. Please note that all events listed on this website are the official events organized exclusively by ACM - Advanced Conferences & Meetings. To ensure you are engaging with the legitimate event, always refer to our official website and communication channels. For any concerns, please contact us at or at +971 4 587 5944 🚨